DRM - Disaster Risk Management & Climate Change

The Indian subcontinent is among the world’s most disaster-prone areas. According to the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), almost 85% of India is vulnerable to one or multiple hazard-induced disasters. Additionally, it is estimated by The World Bank that climate change impacts could lead to an additional 100 million people being trapped in poverty by 2030. During any disaster, conflict or displacement, the most vulnerable are the marginalized communities, with children receiving a disproportionate share of the burden.

ChildFund India aims to reduce vulnerability and build community-level resilience with children’s leadership so that children remain safe and protected. Thus, we facilitate opportunities for children and youth to participate and contribute to the processes that impact their well-being, as enshrined in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. We work with children, communities, organizations, local governance, and government to save lives in emergencies and reduce disaster risks and climate change vulnerabilities in a systematic approach with a child-centered lens. The Disaster Risk Management program reaches the most marginal communities living in vulnerable and disaster-prone locations including coastal, flooded plains, and tribal areas. The program which covers 212 villages across 7 states (Assam, Odisha, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Madhya Pradesh) in India has benefitted 2,00,000 people across 32 districts.


– Engage children as active members in resilience building
– Prepare children, families and communities for disasters and recovery
– Build capacities of partners and strengthen systems by engaging with the government

Building Resilience

Child-Centered Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation

Our intervention enhances the resilience of children, youth and their communities by building capacities to address disaster-related risks in the most vulnerable and disaster-prone areas. Using a child-centered approach, we work with local governance structures, such as Panchayati Raj Institutions, to build capacities for effective risk reduction, protection, and education for children before and after a disaster. Children assume a key role in the resilience-building program to identify, analyse and reduce disaster risks/climate change vulnerabilities at the community level. They also contribute towards community-level disaster preparedness and work alongside adults in the emergency responses with having gained appropriate skills. The program further engages with government authorities and peer agencies to further the child-centered agenda at the state and national levels.

Strengthening School Safety

The School Safety intervention aims to increase the capacities of children and school authorities to identify and minimize risks through comprehensive school safety planning and implementation. Under this, we encourage children to take the lead to make their schools and their surroundings safer by systematically undertaking school safety activities. School Safety trains children and school authorities on different skills such as first aid, psychosocial support, and search/rescue/evacuation for any eventuality or emergency. ChildFund India designs its school safety program in line with the National School Safety Policy 2016 and supports the National Policy’s ambition to implement it at the micro-level. School Safety has benefitted 1497 students and 210 teachers/school management committee members across 26 schools in Odisha and Madhya Pradesh.

Integrated Child Development Services Safety

The Integrated Child Development Services Safety intervention is mainly led by the mothers of children of ages 0–6 years who take charge in making Anganwadi centers safer for their wards. They, along with the Anganwadi workers, lead risk identification, safety planning and their implementation for the centers.

Restoring Normalcy

Child-Centered Humanitarian Assistance

The Child-Centered Humanitarian Assistance intervention prioritizes and addresses basic humanitarian needs of children and affected families, such as food, non-food items, and WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) with a specific focus on personal hygiene for women and adolescent girls, during and post disasters. Child-Centered Spaces (CCS) is an important part of this intervention, which provides safe spaces for children during and after a disaster. CCS conducts age-appropriate child-friendly activities to help restore normalcy among disaster-affected children and provides psychosocial first aid, especially to children who go through psychosocial distress. Post a disaster, Child-Centered Humanitarian Assistance also helps children to continue their education by providing educational materials such as stationery, school bags, umbrella, and water bottles. In the aftermath of cyclone FANI in Odisha in 2019, ChildFund India supported 445 children to access structured play and educational services from CCS. Individual educational kits were provided to 250 school-going children to help them in continuing education. Non-food items kits were also provided to 6360 households, benefitting a population of 28,712 including 9461 children.

Reinforcing Post-Disaster Livelihoods Recovery

The Post-Disaster Livelihoods Recovery intervention supports small farmers, landless daily wage-dependent families with agricultural inputs and non-agriculture-based activities, respectively. Climate-smart agriculture, which includes climate-resilient crops, systematic rice intensification methods, knowledge transfer on increased productivity, etc., is part of Post-Disaster Livelihoods Recovery in both emergency and development contexts.

The Disaster Risk Management program contributes towards achieving SDGs 1, 11, and 13, which call for reducing poverty, promoting sustainable cities and communities, and encouraging climate action, respectively.

People Reached


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