Projects on Innovative Financing Models
ChildFund India employs innovative and blended finance models that can drive efficiency and unlock new pools of capital to support underserved children and communities facing marginalisation. As strategic public–private partnerships are crucial to achieve the outcomes envisaged through the SDGs, these models become excellent vehicles to demonstrate accountabilities, results and the change that we intend to achieve through our interventions.

The Government of India has pledged its commitment at the highest level to eliminate tuberculosis (TB) by 2025 from the country and has launched a bold National Strategic Plan for TB elimination (NSP). Towards this end, ChildFund India is focusing its efforts to complement the government’s priorities towards strengthening TB elimination efforts by accelerating the adoption of innovative financing instruments, such as ‘Development Impact Bonds’ or ‘Pay-for-Performance Instruments’.
In 2019, ChildFund India, in collaboration with USAID and IPE Global, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Health and Family Welfare, the National Health Mission (NHM), Government of Madhya Pradesh to improve the nutrition status of TB patients in Madhya Pradesh.
The initiative focuses on improving the nutritional status and treatment success of TB patients through counseling at home, treatment adherence support, and a protein-rich food basket provided every month to improve the cure rate of TB patients. This innovative financing model is being implemented across 15 blocks in the Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh, benefitting 1,000 TB patients.
Mukti (meaning delivery from harm) is the World’s First Pay-for-Performance program designed to improve the nutritional status and treatment outcomes of TB patients in Madhya Pradesh. USAID drives this initiative in collaboration with the Central TB Division (MoHFW), the Government of Madhya Pradesh, and ChildFund India through its flagship project PAHAL (Partnerships for Affordable Healthcare Access and Longevity) implemented by IPE Global.

Geographies Covered
Dhar district, Madhya Pradesh
SDGs Covered

Supported By
USAID India, IPE Global and Department of Health and Family Welfare, National Health Mission, Government of Madhya Pradesh
ChildFund India, with the initial support of Grameen Impact Investments India, launched the ‘Women Holistic Empowerment and Enhanced Livelihood’ (WHEEL) impact bond. It is the world’s first domestically funded Sustainable Development Goals bond (SDG bond) under the Grameen Outcome Accelerated Lending (GOAL) impact bond series.
The WHEEL impact bond worked towards helping tribal women facing marginalisation in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh to become self‐reliant and empowered by training them to become poultry farmers (micro‐entrepreneurs), with a target to enhance their average annual net income. In addition, the project aimed to alleviate food insecurity and nutrition deficiency among the communities. The project supported 1,000 beneficiaries with poultry, poultry feed, medicines, and building poultry sheds. Additionally, the beneficiaries received training on poultry farming and management and were linked to Poultry Producer Companies (PPC). The project led to a significant increase in the income of the beneficiaries.
Based on the successful outcomes of the WHEEL Impact Bond, HSBC returned the initial investment of Grameen Impact Investments India. Also, HSBC has funded a 2-year-long WHEEL project, which targets to reach out to 2,000 tribal women in the same regions.

Geographies Covered
Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh
SDGs Covered