Child Protection
ChildFund India works towards ensuring that all children live in a protective and enabling environment, free from abuse, neglect, exploitation, and violence. Apart from an absolute intervention, Child protection is intrinsically woven into all our interventions as we believe that abuse of any sort threatens a child’s health, learning opportunities, and other development areas. To protect children, we support families to ensure that their children are nurtured in a safe environment, we educate communities about children’s need for protection and we provide opportunities to empower themselves and to understand and exercise their right to protection and raise their voice against violence. However, there are gaps in the implementation of such policies, laws, and schemes, poor capacities, inadequate resources, etc., have resulted in most children facing depravity, exclusion, and vulnerability of communities without access to these services and benefits.


Geographies Covered
Udaipur district, Rajasthan
SDGs Covered

Supported By
Since 1994, ChildFund India has been implementing Disha in the Firozabad district of Uttar Pradesh. Disha promotes sustainable community-based strategies for the prevention of child labor. It is committed to bringing children out of the clutch of labor by providing health, educational, and livelihood support.
The project mobilizes communities, parents, especially women to sensitize the wider community regarding child labor and strengthens public opinion against child deprivation. Children are provided with opportunities to empower themselves by encouraging school enrollment, creating children’s forums, and ensuring that they, along with their families, can access healthcare facilities.
Besides, it encourages entrepreneurship in adolescents, and children are given training under the ‘Sustainable Livelihood Development Program’ so they can achieve their full potential and fulfill their dreams.

Geographies Covered
Firozabad district, Uttar Pradesh
SDGs Covered

Supported By
The project was implemented in 15 villages across Kotada and Jhadol blocks of Udaipur, Rajasthan between April 2016 and September 2019. Under this project, we worked to combat child trafficking and child labor. We also provided vulnerable families with alternate livelihood for income generation and capacitate, sensitize and institutionalize stakeholders dealing with prevention of trafficking – police, lawyers, NGOs, government and administration.
During the project, we created awareness on child trafficking and prevention steps amongst parents, youth, the press and the larger community. We provided agro-pastoral support to improve the livelihood of the beneficiaries and linked them with government schemes and social programs. Similarly, we trained police and law enforcement in the formal system, set up community groups such as child welfare committees, vigilance squads and ensured enrollment of drop-out children in schools across the 15 villages.

Geographies Covered
Udaipur district, Rajasthan
SDGs Covered

Supported By
ChildFund Deutschland and BMZ: Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Since 2016, we have been implementing the Mukti Project in Rajarhat, Bhangar II of North and South 24 Pargana districts, respectively, of West Bengal with the help of a local partner. The main objective of the project is to reduce the experience of vulnerability for children of migrant brickfield laborers in West Bengal by ensuring their rights to basic education, health, immunization, and protection from abuse. To reduce the experience of vulnerability of 220 children of migrant brick-kiln laborers, belonging to the age group of 3–14, in 4 brickfields in the project areas. The project has worked towards providing children with education, nutrition, access to public health, and immunization services and brought about more awareness of their rights. It has also worked to sensitize and motivate parents from 400 families of migrant laborers. The project has successfully established educational centers at the 4 brickfields, which helped children improve their numeracy skills and language proficiency.

Geographies Covered
North and South 24 Pargana districts, West Bengal
SDGs Covered