Youth in Green Skills for a Transformative Future


Sustainable development is becoming more and more crucial as the globe struggles with issues like pollution, climate change, and the loss of natural resources. By boosting green skills/jobs, renewable energy, lowering greenhouse gas emissions, and expanding access to clean water and sanitary facilities, India has made considerable strides toward sustainable development in recent years. Green jobs are vital for achieving sustainable development, they reduce adverse environmental impacts, are socially just, and provide economic opportunities (The Green Job Program, ILO 2023).

India is emerging as one of the world leaders in green growth and has the potential to unlock $1 trillion in value by 2030 and $15 trillion by 2070. India has the potential to create 35 million green jobs by 2047 (Skill Council for Green Jobs, 2022). Strengthening the skill ecosystem consistently and equitably will ensure a just transition, leaving no vulnerable groups behind.

ChildFund India Youth Program:

ChildFund India working on the green skills that are in demand in India. These skills are categorised into various sectors like biodiversity conservation, environmental management and pollution control, renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste management, sustainable agriculture, climate change mitigation and adaptation, sustainable water management, eco-tourism, sustainable building designs, and sustainable construction.

ChildFund India is promoting and working on green skills development, sustainable Agriculture, climate-smart agricultural practices, integrated farming systems, afforestation, etc in various locations by providing technical and financial support to improve the conditions of the youth and women (caregiver) beneficiaries of the family.

Green Jobs Skill Development for Youth:

India faces a considerable skill gap presently, with less than 10% of the youth reported to be receiving formal or informal training (Gearing up the Indian Workforce for a Green Economy Report, 2023).  ChildFund India is enhancing demand-driven skills development to support youth social enterprises, skill-building, and employment. Through its ecosystem approach partnering with multiple stakeholders, this collaboration aims to provide vocational training and skill development programs for youth interested in careers within the green job sector. ChildFund supports youth through career guidance programs and trains entry-level workforce through government’s empanelled skill training centers, Rural Self Employment Training Institutes, private institutes, NGOs, etc. that are offering awareness modules, training programmes for various green skill job roles, sectors as well as specialized courses online/ offline. With the employability skills programme ChildFund is also working in the creation of self-employment that can amplify job opportunities in the rural and urban areas.

Sustainable Agriculture:

ChildFund has been working in the field of agriculture and livelihoods for families facing deprivation, exclusion and vulnerability. Livelihood subject-oriented training programmes have been provided for the youths and the community covering agriculture, animal husbandry initiatives like Diary, Poultry, Goatery, and other non-farm based livelihood, etc. in collaboration with government agencies like Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Agricultural Technology Management Agency, and Rural Self Employment Training Institutes. Training and exposure visits are conducted for the youth and promote sustainable livelihood and entrepreneurship. This initiative ensures food & livelihood security for the youths to address the migration issues and create entrepreneurship opportunities at the village level.

Integrated farming system:

Ensuring food & livelihood security for the marginal farmers, agricultural labourers, potential migrant workers, and their families in the targeted villages. The main objective of this initiative is to promote viable and sustainable livelihood opportunities at the respective village level, to augment the level of income of youth and families to contribute to the education, health, and nutritional status of children and family members. The youth of the families were supported to promote an integrated farming system with Poultry rearing, Goatery Nutrition Garden, Fruits Plantation, vegetable cultivation, and Vermicomposting. In addition, entrepreneurship training and financial assistance have been provided to promote micro-enterprises. Additional income of the families has been increased from INR 20,000 to INR 35,000 in a year after this intervention of the integrated farming system.

One Child One Tree” a campaign to restore Climate:

Deforestation is one of the major causes of climate change. Considering this cause and its effect ChildFund India is focusing on afforestation through a youth-led campaign on “One Child One Tree” which was started in the locations of Odisha on the eve of Vana Mahosthav. The week-long campaign has been inaugurated in the community to promote afforestation along with the plantation of 1200 fruit-bearing trees & Medicinal plants. Orientation was provided to children and community members on the benefits of plants in protecting our environment from the adverse effects of climate change. The program has reached out to 14 schools and communities covering around 1200 people which includes children, youth club members, officials of the Forest Range office, PRI members, teachers, and School Management Committee members. As a result of the collaboration seedlings, saplings, and refreshment for the children have been mobilised from the Forest Range Office, Telkoi, Odisha. However, the School Management Committee Members and youth club members supported children in pit digging and plantation. This intervention leads to biodiversity conservation, environmental management, and pollution control in the project intervention locations.

Awareness programme on Gender and Climate Change:

ChildFund India is ensuring sustainable livelihood opportunities for youth from poor and marginalized sections of society through entrepreneurship programs.  Awareness programme on Gender and Climate Change has started for the establishment of Sustainable Livelihoods in the form of Microenterprises.

ChildFund is best known for its child protection programs. Investing further in youth development programs can help us build a reputation in youth work readiness skills and critical life skills and empower youth to be agents of change in their communities. ChildFund emphasises Youth employed at a living wage in non-exploitive work and ensuring safety and social protection in the jobs through training sessions on labor rights and non-exploitative activities as well.

Way forward:

As we strive to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this intensive effort will continue to contribute to decent job and economic growth (SDG 8) and Climate Action (SDG 13). This will support more youths for employment, entrepreneurship, and empowerment opportunities and create a better future for themselves, their families, and their communities. ChildFund is committed to providing youth with the skills and opportunities to build a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable future. ChildFund India will continue to support adolescents and youth in the age group of 17 to 24 years with a comprehensive skill set composed of green skills, future skills, socio-emotional skills, demand-driven specialised skills, and digital skills.

Manjunatha HT, Sr. Specialist (Livelihood) ChildFund India

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